Come and try Woolworths NetSetGO

Woolworths NetSetGO
Woolworths NetSetGO is an introductory netball program sponsored by Woolworths, aimed for children aged 5 to 10 years of age. It involves a range of skills, activities, minor games and modified matches to foster learning and a love of netball.
Berwick offers a Woolworths NetSetGO program each term which is facilitated by club players.
If interested, please contact

Indoor Netball
Berwick Netball Club enter's teams for Monday afternoons (9&U), Wednesday afternoons (11&U - 17&U) indoor seasons in the Casey Netball Association. Located at Casey Stadium, Cranbourne-Berwick Rd, Cranbourne East 3977
Seasons commence every January and run, Term 1 & 2 - Autumn, Term 3 & 4 Spring. Game times vary dependant on age groups (4:30pm, through to 8:45pm).
Casey have representative teams which play in both tournaments and at Jells Park, Glen Waverley on a Thursday night throughout the year.
If interested, please contact

Outer East Netball
Berwick Netball Club participates in the Outer East Football Netball League. In season 2019 this new league was formed combining the previous SEFNL and Yarra Ranges Leagues, giving the competition a three tiered divisional football and netball competition.
The strongest players and teams play in this outdoor only competition, where netball teams play on the same fixture as the local football clubs. Berwick enters 10 teams per season, including four senior teams (A,B,C & D grades) and six junior teams (13&U Blue/White, 15&U Blue/White and 17&U Blue/White).
The fixture is based off home and away games, where every second week we travel to a competitors home ground. A entry fee for people over the age of 16 is required of $10. This increases during final series.
If interested, please contact